General Home Cleaning

This is great general housekeeping advice that friends pass along to one another. Just general, good-to-know stuff about keeping house.

As I've learned, mopping is one of the most confusing cleaning jobs out there - who knew! Well friends, let me use my ridiculously vast knowledge of cleaning to make mopping as simple as tying a shoelace for you! Sometimes a mop, is just a mop - but if you've been...
Have you ever heard that saying, ‘you don’t own a cat, a cat owns you’? While I’d like to think that’s not entirely the case, my cats wake me up each morning, scream for attention, demand to be petted in certain ways at certain times, control who can sit...
This week we're talking about a subject I get asked about all the time: what to do about mold and mildew. So curl up on the couch, and get ready for things to get moldy! What are Mold and Mildew, and What’s the Difference? Mold and mildew are fungi, microscopic organisms that can thrive...
 2014 was an awesome year here at Clean My Space - so, we thought we would use the final video of the year to pause and look back at some of the things we learned in 2014! Below you will find a list of all of the videos we...
Borax. Why don’t you have any yet? Most people have no idea about how wonderful this little box of cleaning joy is. Borax is made with water, oxygen, boron, and sodium—simple stuff that's been known to man for more than 4000 years, and used for cleaning with borax has been going on for...
If you don't know this about me already, I am going to make it crystal clear for you: I do NOT like vacuuming. However, as an allergy sufferer and pet owner and of course, hater of dust, vacuuming is necessary. So today, I'm going to give you a little...
We get ready in the bathroom each morning, brush up and wash up, do our little routines, and then repeat that all over again the next day. We want to walk out feeling fresh and clean, not grimy and gross, so if your bathroom doesn’t make you smile, let’s...
The other day I was standing in my kitchen after we had eaten dinner (I get to rest while my husband cleans up), and I was just marveling at how messy the kitchen got.  I had vacuumed the floors that morning and we started with a clean kitchen, yet...
One of the most requested articles we get at Clean My Space is cleaning routines. Large spaces and small spaces warrant totally different cleaning routines. And then, there are differences between daily cleaning routines, weekly cleaning routines, and monthly cleaning routines.  Today we're getting into the ultimate guide to cleaning...
When moving into a small space, the thought can be overwhelming if you are downsizing or moving out on your own for the first time.  Either way, we'll cover off how to pack and unpack for a smooth move. For premium microfiber cloths, check out Maker's Clean Cloth Bundle, on...
Cleaning an oven naturally is actually quite simple and we have had great success with the following techniques that require nothing more than some eco-friendly solutions and some elbow grease. Lemon and other citrus oils are great natural degreasers, and you can clean your oven—especially convection ovens—with just two lemons...
If you want to learn my armchair cleaning secrets, you’re in for a treat!  I’ve figured out ways to be lazier and get more cleaned.  You’re going to love this! Don't forget to check out Maker's Clean line of premium products. From microfiber cloths to the Maker's Mop, they have...
A self-cleaning oven, i.e., the holy grail of appliances! Wouldn't it be great if all our appliances were self-cleaning? I could retire from Clean My Space, and we could all kick our feet up and watch Netflix all the time. Sadly, this isn't the case. And a lot of...
As part of our Back to School series, I'll show you how to clean ink, marker and crayon stains. Remember to always treat a stain as soon as possible, since the faster you tackle it, the more likely you are to get rid of it. Also, when removing stains...
Is cleaning your bathroom tiles part of your regular bathroom and kitchen cleaning lists? I'm guessing no because it is one of the more time-consuming cleaning chores. However, we should all be cleaning our tiles regularly. And then we should be hitting our tiles with a tile scrub as...
We know that cleaning isn’t always fun but making your own cleaners and saving money in the process definitely helps! I have put together 5 great cleaners that cost literally pennies to make and seconds to prepare. They are safe, effective and environmentally friendly…. what more could you ask...