Car Cleaning: Road Trip Tips!

Who doesn’t love a good road trip?! With summer in full swing, let’s take a look at some ways to help keep the car clean and organized during these fun excursions!

Prep the Interior Before You Go

Mess attracts mess! You don’t need to do a full detail here, but a good vacuum and dash wipe down will go a long way. It’s also good to consider laying down a seat protector or an old blanket to keep the seats nice and clean.

Travel Cleaning Supplies

Pack some travel cleaning supplies to quickly address any spills or stains. Nothing major is needed here, but a good microfiber cloth, napkins, or baby wipes in the centre console, comes in handy when drinks spill or someone gets a little too excited with their ice cream.

If you can, find yourself a travel garbage can or small bin. Whether it’s fancy or basic, it’ll do the same job and it keeps garbage from building up in the car.

Vacuum at Gas Station Stops

If you’re car is particularly crusty, consider using a gas station vacuum or interior cleaning station. Let everyone stretch their legs while you get rid of sand, crumbs, dirt or anything else that’s made its way in.

Bug Protection

If you’ve been on a road trip, then you know all about the bug splats. Protect the car body and windshield by applying a windshield repellant (Rain X) to all the surfaces. If you plan to clean your car before you leave, use a wax product that will create a slippery surface that bugs can’t stick to!

Maintenance and Preparedness

This isn’t about cleaning, but make sure the car’s up to date on all it’s maintenance, such as oil changes, tire pressure…etc. It’s also good to consider getting or replenishing an emergency kit for the car. Remember, it’s better to be prepared then stuck in a bad situation!

Clever Ways to Stay Organized and Clean

I like to have a ‘hands full’ rule, whenever leaving the car. This means that when I leave the car, my garbage has to come along for the ride. Get it out, toss it in the bin, and maintain a clean driving space.

I also like to have a bin or a zippered bag for each kid, to make sure that messes and garbage stay contained. A back-of-seat-organizer can also be helpful for keeping things neat and tidy!

Hopefully now you’re ready to go on your summer road trip and take care of any car cleaning needs that arise!

See our E-Book Bundle to take your cleaning game to the next level! It gives you our top 3 e-books (my 3 Wave Cleaning System, 50 DIY Cleaning Recipes, The Complete Guide to Essential Oils) and will give you the perfect start to a fresher and cleaner home!

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Cleaning Expert Melissa Maker is here to help with her game-changing 3 Wave Cleaning System that will help you clean your house faster and easier than you ever thought possible!

Learn More About The 3 Wave Cleaning System

Melissa Maker is an entrepreneur, cleaning expert, founder of Toronto’s most popular boutique cleaning service, and star of the Clean My Space channel on YouTube (but she still hates to clean!). Every week, Melissa delivers new videos dishing expert advice on cleaning products, tools, DIY substitutes, and practical, timesaving solutions to everyday problems. Melissa has appeared on the Today Show, and has been featured in InStyle, Real Simple, and Better Homes and Gardens.


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