General Home Cleaning

This is great general housekeeping advice that friends pass along to one another. Just general, good-to-know stuff about keeping house.

This topic might sound a little overly simple to some of you,  however, as cold and flu season quickly approaches, I thought it would  be an important one to touch on - no pun intended. Now admittedly, before I got into this wacky cleaning gig, I really didn't pay much...
Over the years I've collected tons of amazing cleaning tips and tricks, but some are too small to make a video about. You know, a video takes time to create and edit, and these tips while worth it, would take up too much of our precious time. So today, we've...
Just as the bed sets the tone of the bedroom, the kitchen sink does to the kitchen. If it is dirty and piled high with dishes, the kitchen will look like a mess, even if the whole rest of the room is clean. But keeping the sink clean and shiny is...
How do I clean burnt grease and scorch marks off the bottom of pots and pans? This has been a popular question from the Clean My Space community, and clearly, one that needed some research and testing in our advanced cleaning laboratory (...our house). So, we put your tough question to...
I consider our bathroom cleaning video to be essential viewing, if you want to know how to clean your tub, toilet, sink, counters, tiles, and even the floor. But I hate to tell you—those aren't even the nastiest parts of the bathroom. So now we're back to tackle those things—the ones that you might...
Here in North America, we're preparing ourselves for one of the biggest parties of the year - Super Bowl Sunday - and while I'm not much of a football fan, I do appreciate a good party now and then. So, today, I'm going to show you how to quickly and...
Some consider the kitchen to be the heart of the home - the perfect place where families get together and share memories that will last a lifetime.. my neighbour considers the kitchen the perfect place to cook macaroni and cheese, in his underwear, at 11:30 on a Saturday night..and...
Growing up, I had the messiest desk in my classroom. If you're old enough, you may remember those clunky wooden desks with the hollow middle that you can stuff things into. Well, mine was so bad that at one point a teacher dumped the contents of my desk out...
It's crucial to check your cosmetics and toiletries for signs of degradation. While nothing too harmful can come from using expired products, some may lose efficacy, some may cause minor irritations and some will become downright unappealing and not look, smell or act as initially intended. For that reason, taking...
It should not come as a surprise that the most crust-laden place in my kitchen is...That gap between the stove and the counters! How hideous is this mess?  No one thinks to deal with it, but springtime is a great time to pull it out and get a quick little...
Kitchen cupboards and kitchen drawers, yes, they need to be cleaned this spring. Now, before you start kicking and screaming (because I know this is a big job), I am going to show you how to make it as simple and methodical as possible.  That way when you are doing...
It's about time we wrapped up our spring cleaning series and because we wanted to go out with a bang - we have decided to tackle one of the most requested areas in my home ... my bedroom closet. It's an area that we've just managed but haven't ever dedicated...
The universe gave us toilets, and the Universe gave us trash cans (and seriously, thank heavens for both). Each are to be used responsibly or else the Universe gets mad (clogs and global warming, respectively). That said, I want to explain 10 really, truly, awful things that you may...
Many of us spend countless hours in an office, working away and doing what we need to do, to pay da bills.. And while many offices have regular cleaners (to some degree or another), offices are never really, truly clean.   Here's my take on the nastiest things in your office, and of course,...
Whenever we make videos which involve a vacuum, I get asked about the vacuums I have at home. Because of these requests, I decided to create a video and blog post detailing the vacuums I have at home, what I use each one for and my opinion (pros and...
In the summer nothing beats hanging out with friends and family in your backyard – sipping cold drinks, enjoying delicious barbecue – it’s the life, am I right? But if you have a grimy deck or patio that relaxation goes right out the window. It’s no fun drinking something...