General Home Cleaning

This is great general housekeeping advice that friends pass along to one another. Just general, good-to-know stuff about keeping house.

It might seem harmless to use a cleaning product on something, or somewhere, where you're not necessarily supposed to. Unfortunately, this will often cause damage to a surface—or to yourself! Because I run a cleaning business, I've become a health and cleaning safety stickler. I am all about using...
This article was sponsored by Robitussin, to learn more about their products visit To be fair, I was warned. Everyone said to me, "As soon as you send your kid to daycare, you're going to constantly be sick". I generally have a pretty strong immune system. I eat well...
The kitchen is an MIA (or, a Most Important Area) for me. I know that I struggle with keeping the kitchen clean, although I do love a clean kitchen because I spend so much time there. It's been proven that a great way to effect change and make something a habit...
Since I've been cleaning on a professional level, I have had a love affair with OxiClean. It just works! You put it in your laundry and your laundry comes out stain free. But, did you know that you can use OxiClean around the house to tackle other cleaning tasks?...
I've talked about home scent signatures before; this is essentially what you smell when you walk into someones home. When it comes to your own home you typically don't notice it. When you walk into someone else's home, you most certainly do. So with the holidays upon us, you can...
If you are a regular visitor to our site then I know a few things about you. One, you love saving money and two, you love making your own stuff. So, I'm going to tell you how to replace 7 store-bought products with your own DIY cleaners for pennies...
Hey there Clean My Space readers! I've published a lot of Clean With Me videos on our YouTube channel, but today I wanted to share a Clean With Me article. If you don't know what that is, it's when I go through a cleaning routine in real-time so we...
Storage space is a finite resource, especially when you live in a city where real estate is crazy expensive! So, it's important that whatever space you do have, you are maximizing your storage solutions and using all the home organization tips out there. I have a few crafty storage solutions...
  For as long as I can remember, I have been a spa lover - I honestly would spend my very last dime on the spa! To my dismay, when I married Chad, he was not into going to a spa at all. Desperate times call for desperate measures; I...
Never in my wildest dreams or nightmares did I ever think I would be considered a cleaning expert. But over the past 11 years, I have operated a successful cleaning company, written a book about cleaning, created over 500 cleaning videos and created my own line of microfiber cleaning...
  Decluttering is a real buzzword these days—but it's not a fad, it's a trend. It's here to stay. Decluttering is so important because the more clutter that's in a space, the harder it is to clean, and the harder it is to clean, the less it gets cleaned. One...
Put down anything you might be eating or drinking to avoid serious gross-outs. Today we're talking about the dirtiest spots in your home; you know those spots that are coated in grime that you might not have noticed, and those that harbor the most germs. Don't worry, there's a...
For me, cleaning is all about finding balance. If I'm not cleaning something enough, it's dirty, which frustrates me. On the flip side, I sometimes catch myself spending too much time cleaning something that really doesn't need it. Asking yourself, "How often should I clean this?" helps you be...
We've been taking a lot about DIY home decor projects here at the CMS HQ lately. One of the questions we get asked about the most on the Clean My Space channel as a whole (aside from cleaning), is how we chose to decorate our home. This got us...
In your online travels, you may have come across articles about the wonders of borax. While it is a lesser-known cleaning product, it really does have some excellent uses around the house. Borax is super effective, easy to find, and it's inexpensive—what more can you ask for? Let's take...
If you're familiar with CMS lingo, you've probably heard me say the word MIA before, and I don't mean missing in action! At Clean My Space, MIA stands for "Most Important Areas." And as the name suggests, these are the areas that I like to focus on when I'm...