Never in my wildest dreams or nightmares did I ever think I would be considered a cleaning expert. But over the past 11 years, I have operated a successful cleaning company, written a book about cleaning, created over 500 cleaning videos and created my own line of microfiber cleaning...
The kitchen is an MIA (or, a Most Important Area) for me. I know that I struggle with keeping the kitchen clean, although I do love a clean kitchen because I spend so much time there. It's been proven that a great way to effect change and make something a habit...
Chad and I took possession of our beautiful new home this past fall, and I can say for a certainty that moving was a huge job for us. As we went through the process of moving, and then unpacking, it made us think about our decluttering series: 10 Things To Toss...
Cleaning: You can do it wrong. You can damage a surface, waste time doing a task that doesn’t address the real problem, miss opportunities to make your life easier, and more! To help you clean better, faster and more easily, I’m sharing seven of the most common cleaning mistakes....
Having been in the cleaning business for more than a decade now I've come across a number of shortcuts and cleaning hacks that really do help save us time. You guys know I'm not into doing a lot of work if there's a faster but still effective method I...
There are many articles out there which document the mental load that a Mom carries, not only does she have to take care of her family and manage a household, in many cases, she has to work as well. I am one of those Moms that has a pretty...
Before we dive into today's topic, I want to tell you right off the top—I am not perfect at doing any of these things, so I'm not going to stand here and preach to you that I do all these things all of the time. I don't. But, I'm challenging myself to be better and...
Welcome to the first installment of Husband VS Wife: Cleaning Challenge! World-renowned cleaning expert Melissa Maker takes on her husband, Chad Reynolds, in an epic kitchen cleaning challenge. Follow along as the pair put twenty minutes on the clock and tackle a disaster of a kitchen. The stage is...
You know when you have access to insider information you would only get if you knew someone who was in the know? Well, I am that insider for you in the world of cleaning. I have owned a cleaning company since 2006 and that's how I got my start...
A long, long time ago, before the age of smartphones, I launched my own cleaning business. While this was all well and good, the thing was that I really didn't know how to clean, and I knew that the only way to be profitable was to figure out how...
With a new year comes the whole "new year, new you" theme that drives everyone a little crazy. We do all of this stuff in January, and then by February, it kind of falls apart. So, what I'd like to do is give you 10 rules for a cleaner...
We've written over 500 articles and produced over 600 YouTube videos. Along with this comes a ton of comments from the Clean My Space community. So, we decided that we would go through some of our recent videos and pick out some of our favorite tips from you guys. #1...
It's easy to put out an article about cleaning tips and tricks online. Why? Because, who's vetting it? Nobody! Here at Clean My Space, we have a whole team who, at any given time, might be researching several video and/or article concepts that we're preparing to produce. As a...
There are so many things in your house to keep track of. Honestly, who has time for it? Life is busy. But these things do need to be cleaned every now and then. And even though they might not be screaming, "Clean me!", we still need to pay attention...
We are EVERYTHING right now in our homes, living day after day in the same space. It’s almost maddening—living in, eating in, working in, teaching in, and playing in. Our houses are getting used to the MAX right now and the mess and stress are piling up. I’m in the...
The world's a little upside down right now. We all find ourselves searching for some sort of comfort while we navigate the landscape of our new normal. Perhaps, like me, your sleep is all messed up, or maybe you're having trouble working or studying, or maybe, your plugging along...